MintLily (Lily)



I am a 27-year-old, transgender girl, Game Art Student that does some coding in my spare time. This consists of game modding, front-end web development, Discord bot creation, and more. I like to play games; don't really know what genre I like. So far, my long term goal is to finish school, and work on a project (game); I started a little while back, inspired by three book series I really enjoyed reading. Some might say it's unfortunate, but the most hours I have in a single game is VRChat.

Games I Like to Play

VRChat, Minecraft, Battlefield 2042, Halo: MCC & Infinite, Generation Zero, Scarlet Nexus, Need for Speed Unbound

Programs I Use (almost daily)

Discord, Spotify, Plex(amp), Photoshop, Unity3D, Blender, Visual Studio (Code), Rider

Front-end Web Developer & C# Programmer

  • Age: 27
  • Email: [email protected] (Business Inquiries Only)
  • Freelance: Available
  • Occupation: I.T. Technician Specialist
    Gerber Childrenswear LLC

Art Work / Art Showcase

Artwork created from 2016 - present

  • All
  • Game Photography
  • Unity
  • Unity Editor
  • Shaders
  • Pixel Art
  • Gradients
  • Photoshop
  • Affinity Photo


These number represent an estimated amount of knowledge I have for the categories.

HTML 75%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 3 20%
C# 1 2 3 35%
Blender 1 2 3 30%
Illustrator 55%
Photoshop 90%
Unity3D 1 2 3 50%
1 - self-taught
2 - still learning
3 - beginner