

After about 6+ years of hosting Minecraft servers, here's a big one. There are many changes that were done to change up the style of the server, listed below:

Bedrock Edition Players Welcomed

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition players are welcomed to join. Whether you're on Android, iOS, Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, or Nintendo Switch, add a custom server with the IP below and port 21560.

Unique Changes

Ender Chests:
has 6 rows

Nether Portals:
- Crying Obsidian can be used in portal creation
- Portals can be custom shapes

Item name changes allow colors

- Tilled dirt can get moist from water under the block instead (and as well as) of beside/near
- Trampling has been disabled
- Using a hoe will auto replant crops

- Durability lasts twice as long
- Can be combined with chestplate

General Gameplay:
Drowning takes slightly longer

Other General Gameplay Changes

  • Seasons
    • Dynamic mob spawning per-season
    • Dynamic Day/Night Cycle lengths
    • Dynamic Weather patterns
    • Temperature
      • Time of day, season, environment all have affects on your temps, Don't get too cold or warm.
      • Armor sets, play in affect with temps. ex: Leather does better in keeping you warm when you're cold.
    • Spring, more flowers, pink tree leaves*
    • Summer, faster crop growth, vibrant colors, less rain
    • Autumn, multi-colored trees, muddy grass/water colors, increased rain and storms
    • Winter, no/slow crop growth, white grass/trees, snow instead of rain, reduced overall plants
* - Not visibly possible in Bedrock games

Custom Libraries

This server uses a non-public mod/plugin loader implantation, inspired by BepInEx and MelonLoader. This is called MineSharpLoader. With this library, we are able to create various types of Forge or Fabric mods and/or Spigot plugins entirely in C#. So far this server uses a total of 4 plugins created with this method (not including the builtin "native libs" like, PlaceholderAPI, Vault, bStats, and ProtocolLib).


IP: (click to copy)


Random Server Stats

Disk Space 2.73% / 128GB
Java Code 93%
C# Code 7%
Users Online NUL - ERROR
Unique Users Joined 1
Users Banned 0
Banned IPs 0


  • No one is banned